Saturday, April 11, 2009

Back to Manilla

Manilla has been my home for the last hand full of days. It is nice to be back in the place where I started my trip, and nice to be back in the air for some distance flying. The first day here I only managed to fly 35k mainly flying into strong headwind while attempting a 65k out and return flight. The second day I managed to fly 85k towards Bingara. This was a great flight with a nice tailwind and puffy clouds. The day after this, two days ago, I flew a 55k triangle out on the flatlands, over town and landing back at the car. It has been great fun getting a chance to do some free flying and xcflying all by myself over the beautiful country surrounding Manilla.

There is a great river bordering the caravan park here. Yesterday, while attempting backflips off the monster rope swing I managed to swallow two mouthfuls of the dark brown Nemaoi river water, YUCK. The water is great for swimming but terrible for drinking, it sat in my gut for only a few hour until...

The first three pictures below are of my last triangle flight. In the third picture you can see a really tall dust devil in the field directly below me as I was climbing out in a nice thermal. The dusty was probably 1,000ft tall, its shadow is obvious on the ground as well. The fourth pic is of me making new friends; the girls and puppy were really nice until the girls turned on me and decided that kicking and punching me was more fun than being friends. This behavior of theirs continued today as well, I guess I just bring it out of them.

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